Growing up as an #American I was taught to believe America is a melting pot, a Nation of immigrants and #Democracy and rule of law was what we stood for.
I saw cracks in this early on as a teen, I witnessed failures time and time again but collectively we still tried to hold on to this idea, to support it despite not agreeing on many things at times.
We've now elected a #fascist who admires #dictators, has said he shouldn't have left office, has made it clear how little he thinks of #women, #immigrants and anyone who disagrees with him.
His now close friend and surely an advisor, #ElonMusk hates #transgender people. His party rejects the idea that women should have the right to choose much for themselves and the idea that #immigration is what has made America great, is now a distant memory to the majority of my country.
I recall decades ago how the #USA was behind in #education in many ways compared to the rest of the developed world. I can't help but feel in this moment i'm seeing the result of that in action.
When Trump was put in office the first time, much was uncertain. There is no uncertainty now. I cannot say that anyone who voted for him simply voted for #economic reasons alone... His positions, his party, his closest friends and what they all support and stand for clearly is #racist, #transphobic, disrespectful of women and rejects everything America stated we stood for.
I no longer wonder anymore how Hitler, or others ended up in power. I'm living it right now in my own country as a #trans person, as a person who welcomes immigrants, as a person who supports women in their right to choose and as someone who once believed America believed in itself.
The #voters have spoken. The idea of what America has been is clearly dead and what awaits us is more #hatred, #division and #anger on all sides.