@mattmaison I would do well with just playing demos too cause im not good at video games and I cant think of ever beating one before. I would usually get maybe halfway through them. I kind of like 2-player ones more cause I like hanging out and playing a fighting game or a racing game with a friend or two.
No i never played SotN, but everyone says it's a great game.
Yeah, I miss my younger days of playing fighting and sports games with friends and roommates. Have you ever played online games like League of Legends? That's free to play but they sell you stuff.
If you ever want to, you can download Steam for free and there are a lot of great free games and demos on there.
I also spend a lot of time playing Marvel Snap on my phone. That's free. And a lot of fun.
@mattmaison Ive heard of Marvel snap, there are like cards that go with that right? A lot of the art from those cards is really awesome, I think Jonboy Meyers did a bunch of them. Is it like an online trading card tournament type of thing? I really miss Marvel vs. Capcom , that is my type of game, minimal thought and maximum stuff flying around the screen lol
@mattmaison Im not good at league of legends, I just end up running around aimlessly and get killed lol. My brother was good at 1st person games like syphon filter, resident evil etc but I suck at that type of format.
Yeah, Marvel Snap is basically a card game. It's pretty addictive.
I've never played LoL, but it seems like something I'd like.
@mattmaison I really like the art from it. I enjoyed overpower so I think I might like marvel snap too lol Where does a person go if they are interested in playing marvel snap? Is it at the Marvel .com website or something?
It's a mobile game, so Play store or Apple store.