via @indivisibleteam 🚨 #HR9495 UPDATE!🚨 Time to bug your #USSenators! (I'll be giving Useless #SusanCollins a piece of my mind, as well as #Maine Independent senator #AngusKing.
"This isn’t the result we wanted but the fight isn’t over — we will continue to organize against this #nonprofit killer bill in the #Senate.
"Pressure still works. In a week, you made 13,000 calls and convinced dozens of Democrats to flip their vote and join our side in voting no on H.R. 9495. Thank you for everything you did. More Democrats are waking up, but we will need to keep pushing for our elected officials to fight back against the incoming Trump administration."
#USSenate #StopHR9495 #Palestine #CriminalizingDissent #FreeSpeech
#Authoritarianism #ProjectEsther #Project2025 #Fascism