After a week of not running I got myself back out there. Super proud of myself because it’s taken me days to push myself back out the door.
I struggle massively to get out and exercise I have to have loads of things in place and it’s a whole thing just to force myself outside. The promise I made to myself that I will push myself this year to improve my mental health is thankfully still the loudest voice. The self doubt, anxiety, darkness and trauma are still extremely loud and I battle with poor mental health constantly but the important thing is that I’m still fighting, fighting for myself. None of this is easy at times it feels impossible but I don’t allow myself to give up on myself. If you are struggling with your mental health remember you are worth fighting for and fight for yourself, just a little win makes all the difference. You’ve got this and you are so worth it, keep going and keep fighting for you 💪🏼🏃🏽♀️👌🏼. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #ptsdrecoveryjourney #complextrauma #running #runningmotivation #thisgirlcan #thisgirlcanrun #positivity #keepgoing #youareworthit❤️ #youmatter #fightforyou