@DyingWorld @aproposnix Theres a lot of us standing up. Some of us, specially Black Americans never wanted this shit in the first place. Be honored if you stand with us.
@ErickaSimone @DyingWorld @aproposnix
I'm 🇨🇦 here with you. Boosting every photo and post about any #protest I see. Media aren't sharing so we have to. Keep spreading it, keep protesting!
#USA #imperialism #fascism
#elon #tesla #canada #cbc #uspolitics #canpoli #canada #ElbowsUp
@KarenDorman @DyingWorld @aproposnix I promise you Canada. We are NOT with the shits. Especially Black Americans. There only so much we can do, but it’s getting done. Truly sorry that you guys have to even deal with this.
@ErickaSimone @DyingWorld @aproposnix
We know. We're cheering you on from the sidelines and doing similar stuff here. Our tv news did have reports on #tesla #protest s here in Canada. Lots of them across the country in solidarity....and cause we're scared and pissed.