594 #Easy #ClimateSolutions #BalconySolar
"‘If 1.5m Germans have them there must be something in it’: how balcony solar is taking off"
by Stephen Burgen for The Guardian [Dec 18, 2024]
"Balcony solar panels can save 30% on a typical household’s electricity bill and, with vertical surface area in cities larger than roof space, the appeal is clear"
"They are easy to install, and knock chunks off electricity bills. It may not be Romeo and Juliet, but Spain’s balcony scene is heating up as the country embraces what has hitherto been a mainly German love affair with DIY plug-in solar panels."
"Manufacturers say that installing a couple of 300-watt panels will give a saving of up to 30% on a typical household’s electricity bill. With an outlay of €400-800 and with no installation cost, the panels could pay for themselves within six years."
"With solar balconies, no such consent is required unless the facade is listed as of historic interest or there is a specific prohibition from the residents’ association or the local authority. Furthermore, as long as the installation does not exceed 800 watts it doesn’t require certification, which can cost from €100 to €400, depending on the area."
"“The beauty of the solar balconies is they are flexible, cheap and plug straight into the domestic network via a converter, so you don’t have to pay for the installation,” says Santiago Vernetta, CEO of Tornasol Energy, one of Spain’s main suppliers."
"Raquel Paule, director of the Madrid-based Fundación Renovables, says../\..“Balcony power is another piece in the puzzle,” she says. “They are another step towards using the built environment to generate electricity.”
"Michael Schmela, director of market intelligence at SolarPower Europe: “What’s special about balcony power is it’s so versatile and you can install it as part of the building.
“This is the next step. The technology is there but the regulations and architects have to embrace it. There are so many solutions and balcony solar is the latest trend.”
"“Cities need to become more self-sufficient by generating more,” she says. “Energy transition involves a change from cities depending on a centralised system with big companies supplying electricity to a more widely distributed, more democratic and more participative model, and this is what the energy companies are scared of.”
“Big energy companies should be pushing for renewables because they’ve played a big part in getting us into this situation,” she says. “Instead of creating obstacles they should be facilitators by giving everyone access to the grid that they control.”
"Although balcony power is only a fraction of its solar energy capacity, Germany remains far and away the European leader in solar installation. It has set a target of sourcing 80% of electricity from renewables by 2030. The EU target is 42% , which Schmela believes will be achieved."
“If 1.5 million Germans have bought solar balcony kits there must be something in it,” he [Vernetta} says."
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