645 ClimateElection #FridaysForFuture #Germany
"🚨Unsere Forderungen 2025!🚨" [3:22 min]
by Fridays For Future DE
for all english speakers: there a translation in the bottom of this 'toot'.
Quote by FFFde:
"Jan 9, 2025
What would a government that takes the ✨climate crisis seriously✨ have to implement?
🚨Our demands for 2025!
We have a right to a future! Real climate protection means climate neutrality by 2035!
👉 With our demands, we have set out clear measures that will put us on the path to achieving this.
Now it is up to all parties to take responsibility and show that they can deal with humanity's biggest crisis!
What are you waiting for?
@cdu, fdp, green, spd
And now for the rather awkward translation [it all went pretty fast for my puny Dutch brain]
with the help of the deepl translator:
Five demands for the coming German [General] Election:
One of the major security risks for the whole world is an unchecked climate catastrophe, what should and could be done effectively against the climate catastrophe and these are our 5 demands for the Bundestag elections:
1 NATURAL GAS is a huge climate killer [worse than coal power]
That's why we're calling on the federal government to come up with a robust plan to phase out natural gas by 2035. In oder that our energy infrastructure safe, renewable and democratic.
2 who should PAY for the entire investment?
At this very moment we are finally calling for reasonable taxation of the super-rich and fossil fuel companies.
3 Nobody wanted to destroy the climate just like that, but to this day many people cannot AFFORD to live a climate-friendly life.
We demand a guarantee for climate-friendly housing and climate-friendly mobility for all. You have a right to it.
4 Meeting CLIMATE TARGETS, protecting against climate chaos and finally making progress as a society - that's what's at stake.
5 There are hundreds of thousands of people missing who work in GREEN JOBS.
And that's why we strategically demand that 300,000 people are trained every year in future jobs where sustainable jobs are created and, above all, we can fill this serious skills gap.
#TakeCareForLife #TakeCareForEarth
#StopBurningThings #StopEcoside
#ClimateBreakDown #RapeOfNature