And BlueSky?
#bluesky is a public benefit corporation
which sounds awesome
except, as a legal definition, all that means is that the company *may* (it doesn't have to) consider public benefit instead of profit when making decisions
so it's in that same cryptosleaze, vulture capital trap as all the other corporations, and plutocrats can move in (or have moved in: consider dorsey) and destroy it at any time
@benroyce @mardigroan are you there? I joined yesterday out of curiosity: apparently there is a post-election surge fleeing X and it reminds some of the early days of the old Twitter. (I have same handle as here)
i have an account i barely use to watch #bluesky
my point is not the current tenor of the site
my point is, if you aren't dealing with a #nonprofit, if bluesky grows influential enough and angers #fascists, #plutocracy can move in and control it
that's the essence of #plutocrat manipulation via #corporate control works
bluesky is at best a temporary reprieve and already has #capitalist decisions that render it dubious at best
@benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan Bluesky will be enshittified in due time. We love our "free" internet toys but "free" comes at a cost. Remember. On commercial social media we are not the customer, we are the product.
@benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan
Pardon me while i turn and preach to the choir:
Another factor is the "algorithmic timeline." Whether for-profit or not, if you build your community on top of an algorithmic timeline, you are explicitly building a community on top of an opaque censor who determines what speech is amplified and what speech is suppressed.
The mass acceptance of being spoon-fed what to believe is what makes for-profit social media valuable to those seeking control of society.
@benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan
i really do not get the 'yay bluesky' stuff
i just got a 'dorsey really isn't involved anymore' comment
so fucking what?!?!?! dorsey said he only trusted eloon to run twitter and sold it to him
dorsey is not a good judge of character and i don't trust anyone running bluesky because MONEY
eat the rich
@samiamsam @benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan
BlockChain/Cryptobro owns it now. Dorsey not being involved is a lateral move.
Which I'm sure you all already know but for the lurkers:
@raganwald @benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan
Ironically, this point gets constantly ignored/forgotten by the right-wing crowd complaining about "censorship".
@TFFPrisoner @benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan
There's no irony involved, it's their entire thing: "In-groups who are protected by the law, but not bound by it, alongside out-groups who are bound by the law but not protected by it.'
That's why an incel can tell a woman on Twitter, "Your body, my choice," but if she uses the word "cisgender" in her response, she's banned.
@Dianora @benroyce @JonChevreau @mardigroan
Also, Macedon is the closest experience to pre-IPO TWTR
@paninid @Dianora @JonChevreau @mardigroan
i think you have a typo or you're a champion of classical greece, which works too
@benroyce @Dianora @JonChevreau @mardigroan
Porque no los dos