A Cold, Foggy Morning at Saint Joseph's College on This Day in 2017.
18 Days Later the Board of Trustees would Vote to Close.
Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop and Look Around Once in a While, You Could Miss It [F.B.]
A Cold, Foggy Morning at Saint Joseph's College on This Day in 2017.
18 Days Later the Board of Trustees would Vote to Close.
Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop and Look Around Once in a While, You Could Miss It [F.B.]
Quick follow-up recommend to this:
For anyone interested in the story about the Saint Joseph's College closure, there is a well-written book out there by Dr. Jonathan Nichols that covers it:
Full disclosure -- I was the CIO at the school during that time, and stayed onboard for 2 years after to find a way to help save the organization. So much of this is very personal to me.