In a campaign season in which the subject of #PoliceViolence against #Black men—& the protests that followed the murder of #GeorgeFloyd in 2020—has rarely been mentioned, #MichelleObama dared to address it: “If you are a mother who has lost sleep worrying if your son could be the victim of a nightmare traffic stop going bad, if you’ve ever been out there marching & weeping for #justice, who do you think is going to have your back?” she asked.
But then… [#MichelleObama], Without recrimination, …evoked the irony that in an #election to potentially elect the first #woman President, in which #WomensHealth care & very lives are at stake, so much of recent discourse has focussed on how to uphold the #ego of the American #man, & which vision of #masculinity should prevail in the nation.
Obama brought it back to the intimate matter of the body.
#BodilyAutonomy #ReproductiveRights #healthcare #MaleSupremacy #misogyny #law #HarrisWalz2024
“I want the men in the arena to bear w/me on this,” #MichelleObama said, “because there’s more at stake than just protecting a woman’s choice to give birth.” She described a #woman’s body as a “complicated business,” & spoke about abnormal #PapSmears, #mammograms, infections, & #miscarriages; about #menstrual problems & #menopause; & about inequities in funding for research into #WomensHealth.
#BodilyAutonomy #ReproductiveRights #healthcare #MaleSupremacy #misogyny #law #HarrisWalz2024
#MichelleObama suggested that restrictions on #abortion have reverberations that go far beyond abortion itself. “We will see more doctors hesitating or shying away from providing life-saving treatments because they are worried about being arrested; more #medical students reconsidering even pursuing #WomensHealth at all; more #OBGYN clinics w/o enough doctors to meet demand closing their doors.”
#BodilyAutonomy #ReproductiveRights #healthcare #MaleSupremacy #misogyny #law #HarrisWalz2024