He couldn’t tell when the days started & ended within the windowless, peeling yellow 4 walls of his prison cell in #Guantánamo.
Diuvar Uzcátegui kept track of them by putting a small tear in the last, blank page of a Bible after every 3rd meal. The book was given to him by the #military guards along with a blanket & a ¾" foam pad to sleep on. He went to the bathroom in a bucket connected to a tap in the cell.
And though he couldn’t see his fellow detainees, he could hear them.
Some of the men screamed. Others threatened to kill themselves. One interviewed by WaPo said he attempted it.
During his 2 weeks at the #Guantánamo Bay naval station, Uzcátegui, 27, said he was rarely let outside. Both times, he was #shackled & placed in what he described as a #cage. It was the only sight of the blue Cuban sky he got, so otherworldly it felt like a dream.
“They didn’t treat me like a human being,” he said….
The #Trump admin flew nearly 180 migrants from the #US to #Guantánamo & deported all of them to #Venezuela on Thurs. The Post spoke with 3 men who were detained in the US military prison that has been used to house suspected terrorists since the Sept 11, 2001, attacks. All had crossed the border illegally, & although #DHS Secretary #KristiNoem called the migrants transported to #Guantanamo the “worst of the worst,” The Post could find NO criminal record for those interviewed.
@Nonilex 180? Under 200?! But I thought there were millions of illegals in the US? And just what is this little charade costing taxpayers?!
@alex_p_roe @Nonilex Not only “how much is it costing“ but also how much are we losing in productivity, how much devastation are we causing families, and how many potentially productive citizens are we driving away?