#HealAll - #PrunellaVulgaris
#WhiteClover - #TrifoliumRepens
Both are #edible & #medicinal #plants. Both are much better than lawn grass. They attract a lot of #pollinators🐝 👍🐝
Heal all is used in a lot of #ChineseTraditionalMedicine & #Chinese #HerbalTeas. Wong Lo Kat is a commercial canned herbal tea with heal all as a main ingredient.
In North America, the #Nlakapamuk #Salishan #Indigenous peoples make cold infused, refreshing drinks with them. Several other #FirstNations in #BritishColumbia & #PacificNorthwest areas also harvested it for medicinal uses.
#Saanich #GrowPlantsNotLawns #Nature #GardeningForClimateChange #VancouverIsland #PNW #YYJ #AntiLawns #VictoriaBC #Backyard #rewilding #NoMow #PacificNorthwest #PNW #BritishColumbia #GardeningMastodon #DisabledGardeners #NatureLovers #BackyardClimateAction #BeTheChange #HerbalMedicine #Holistic #PlantIdentification #FlowersIdentification #SoilFixers #NitrogenBuilders #SoilRemediation #EdiblePlants