This is the genocidal, #racist #bigot & #Israeli education minister. Talking about wiping out everyone in #Lebanon.
US is biggest funder & Germany is 2nd biggest funder of #depraved #Israel #atrocities. They are complicit in ongoing war crimes & aiding/abetting/protecting Israeli state #terrorists - along with a few other hypocrite war profiteering nations. These Israel terrorist funder countries provide impunity for some of the most evil Israeli actions - for decades. It is inexcusable.
#IsraelIsATerroristState #IsraelWarCrimes #ArmsEmbargoOnIsrael #FuckTheUSA #ColonialViolence #USAFundsGenocide #BurnInHellIsrael #BurnInHellUSA #POCLivesMatter #HumanRightsViolations #Unforgiveable
Edited 157d ago