I was invited to go on a #flotilla #protest led by #IndigenousChiefs & leaders from the North Island in late 2019 - we went in March of 2020. To stop 2 open net fish farms, in the #DiscoveryIslands archipelago, from restocking their pens. These fish farms are remote & they don't want public to access them. No restocking was able to happen on day we went on flotilla protest & patrol.
I've been a part of the battle here to get #FishFarmsOut for over a decade. There's finally some progress but we need to still keep up the pressure on federal & provincial governments.
#SaveWildSalmon because they're a #KeystoneSpecies & if we lose them, it sets off chain reactions in both #ocean & #OldGrowthForest #ecosystems. Wild salmon are extremely important to the Indigenous peoples of BC & the fight to protect them goes back decades.
Always put #WildFirst ✊️
#ProtectTheWild #WildSalmonAlliance #NoLicenseRenewal #FloatingViruses #Frankenfish #Environmentalist #Ecological #Activism #DirectAction #OneEarth #OceanGuardians #SalmonGuardians #SalmonPeople #StandUpForSalmon #BoycottFarmedSalmon #SayNoToFarmedSalmon #CDNpoli #BCpoli #BritishColumbia #Cascadia #PacificNorthwest #BCcoast #CoastalBC #Westcoast #Oceans #DemandMPAs #PNW #Activist #ProtectNature