#RecommendedReading for #Decolonial #Education. #Free #OpenAccess report.
About Murder by Decree
Murder by Decree is an #uncensored #record of the planned #extermination of #IndigenousChildren in #Canada’s murderous Indian #ResidentialSchools. It is issued as a corrective #CounterReport to the miscarriage of #justice by Church and State known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” #TRC. Based on eyewitness #testimonies and #archival #documentation deliberately suppressed or ignored by the TRC, Murder by Decree proves that the #genocide of #IndigenousPeople began as a religion-led campaign and continues to be a deliberate governmental policy in Canada. This Counter Report reveals these startling facts: – Over half of Indian residential school children began dying the very first year these church-run facilities were opened – This huge mortality rate continued unabated for over a half century because of deliberate practices of germ warfare according to a prescribed monthly “death quota” – Evidence of these crimes and their intentional nature has been continually destroyed by the RCMP and the #Catholic, #Anglican and #UnitedChurch since at least 1960 – The same genocide continues today, is aimed at indigenous women and children, and is driven by foreign corporate interests hungry for #NativeLands and resources Murder by Decree is issued by The International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canada (ITDC), an international #coalition of #jurists and #HumanRights groups. The ITDC was formed in December, 2015 to investigate the disappearance of people in Canada, prosecute those responsible and prevent a further #whitewash by Canada of its #CrimesAgainstHumanity. This report is an answer to these #crimes and an urgent summons to the world and to all #Canadians to live no longer under #genocidal #regimes.
Published by the #ITDC Central Offices in #Brussels and #Toronto. For more information write to [email protected] .
#CDNpoli #IndigenousRights #ColonialViolence #CoverUp #KKKanada #FirstNations #NativeCanada #IndigenousCanada #Decolonization #DecolonizeYourMind #NativeRights #UNDRIP #Injustices #ColonialCrimes #TruthBeforeReconciliation