#DareToAsk #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyADHD #AuDHD #NeuroSpicy 🌶
I was wondering.... I know of myself that I'm a night owl. I love being awake during the night as things are more calm for me then... I sleep during late afternoon and evening and am awake during the night, morning and part of the afternoon...
But am I an exception?
I know I can do this because I have no work obligations. I know that work often requires you to adhere to a steady routine where the work hours are honorated.
But if you don't work, or if you could choose the hours, how would your routine look like?
I only made two options. Sleep during the "normal" night and different.
I've added a "different and comment" one for people who would like to elaborate. Maybe they want to have a different routine, but they can't due to work... So they need to have a "normal" routine but they'd prefer the different one...
I'll add an option where you can just see the results.
But I hope that you'll vote (and maybe also boost? 😊).
@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd