Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 480 , Wednesday 19/02/2025
Wednesday started around 7am despite a disturbed night. I was feeling a little anxious about the 2nd session with Sami my counsellor. I’m not sure why I’m feeling anxious about these sessions Sami is perfectly nice.
I did my chores this morning & listened to my audiobook until the therapy session.
We covered a couple of topics, & touched on the problems I’m having re-engaging fully with my friends on here. I think there is at least one more sessions worth of stuff to cover on that.
Sami was intrigued at how close I feel to all of the folks I share TLs with on here & I tried to explain the nature of our little corner of the Interweb.
Managed to play some more DL2, polishing off the majority of the 10 year anniversary achievements - 1 more to go to get this weeks set. I won’t fully complete all 3 weeks because one of the achievements is to do with playing co-op & I am really not comfortable doing it.
Final Thoughts.
Sami wanted to know what I thought of todays session & I’m still really not sure what I think of it - it’s a lot of me explaining me & my situation I’m not sure if that is the point - it helps to unload of course but I’m still wondering what the therapy bit is.
Dentist tomorrow morning - I have lost a chunk out of one of my back molars, a casualty of Christmas I suspect. So at least one filling to come - joy!
Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖
#TimsASDjourney #ActuallyAutistic #Neurospicy #TheMammutMoves