Khalil Divine Black Sun Allah, previously known as Freddie Owens, is due to be executed in South Carolina this week despite an absence of forensic evidence and despite a key witness saying he made false remarks during the trial at the instruction of prosecutors
#deathpenalty #SouthCarolina #KhalilAllah #BLM #humanrights #capitalpunishment #law #murder #crime #justice #execution
Texas will execute Robert Roberson on October 17 for a crime that never happened, based on discredited pseudo-science, and ignoring Texas' "junk science law" meant to prevent such use of flawed forensics and miscarriages of justice
#innocenceproject #deathpenalty #Texas #RobertRoberson #autistic #humanrights #capitalpunishment #TexasDefenderService #psuedoscience #junkscience #law #murder #crime #justice #execution