we can't play on traditional corporate social media. it's all fascist and plutocrat algorithms
we need our own
mastodon is the closest fit
we need to make it happen
we can't play on traditional corporate social media. it's all fascist and plutocrat algorithms
we need our own
mastodon is the closest fit
we need to make it happen
Hahahahahahaha. Suggesting Mastodon could influence an election is like suggesting democrats should be running a pigeon carrier campaign.
Really corner the aviary vote.
Democrats belong on platforms while massive amounts of people are on them... And they should be using them to reach across the aisle.
Bernie was ripped for going on Rogan and Kamala wouldn't even touch it. That is pathetic campaigning.
how do you use a platform owned by your enemy
Millions of uninspired potential democrats aren't on Twitter. It's bigger than 1 platform.
name me the large social media platform not owned by plutocracy that doesn't amplify any ignorant shit in its algorithm for engagement, and doesn't consider something like covid lies "free speech"
on those terms, why do you think democrats have a shot?
These are the same platforms otherwise sane people are now suggesting Kamala was robbed of the election. It swings both ways
it's not about one particular flavor of crank, it's about the dominant crankiness. and that's not kamala conspiracy theorists. you agree?
dude my point is plutocrat controlled social media says bill gates is giving you 5G through vaccines
i don't know why you're hung up on this point, but it feels like you're trying to "both sides the same" a topic which is obviously a giant swamp of right wing morons and edgelords
Ok these platforms both sides can be the same.
This doesn't change the fact millions of voters use them and democrats aren't effectively running their campaigns on them.
I'm not interested in the pockets where 5G conspiracies are running amuck... I'm interested in the pockets where casual conservatism lives. Those pockets are not beyond convincing and democrats don't engage effectively.
"democrats aren't effectively running their campaigns on them"
and my point is they can't
it's owned by the plutocrats. they control the algorithms. they amplify the edgelords saying hateful things for clout and the racist misogynistic and transphobic trolls
why are you trying so hard to push this lie that it is a level playing field?
it's not
the left needs its own platform. you can't compete fairly in the fascist's house