"Immigrants and Refugees: County of Monterey’s Welcoming Resolution and Know Your Rights Resources."
County of Monterey Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an update to its 2017 Welcoming Resolution. Other steps the county is taking include but are not limited to: Distributing 20,000 Constitutional Rights for Immigrant Education (“red cards”) in Spanish and English; creating Know Your Rights informational videos in English, Spanish, Triqui, and Mixteco; co-hosting community immigration forums on Know Your Rights; and more.
Why? Monterey County, “Salad Bowl of the Nation” / “Salad Bowl of the World,” is preparing for the new U.S. president, POTUS 47, to take office.
#CondadoDeMonterey #MontereyCounty #California #UnitedStates #immigration #immigrants #refugees #POTUS47 #POTUS45 #Salinas #SalinasValley #agriculture #food #SalinasFeedsAmerica / #SalinasAlimentaNuestraNacion #CountyOfMonterey #ConstitutionalRights #KnowYourRights #Triqui #Mixteco #Spanish #espanol