And Russia keeps sending its young men to die in a war its autocrat Putin illegally started out of greed for more territory.
@bronakins North Korea too. Stupid, huh? @Bookworm33333
Democracy— It’s a war we must FIGHT & WIN! 🙋🏼
So far what I have found to do to help win is 👇🏽
—Donated to #PublicCitizen to help pay the legal bills of parties suing to stop trump illegal orders.
—Will support the two boycotts I know about #SHUTDOWN315 and before that the #EconomicBoycott on 2/28.
—I SHOULD (but haven’t as yet) called the politicians who represent me. I’m frankly stunned that they’ve so readily ceded all their power.
@GottaLaff @Bookworm33333@