RFK Jr. is now openly targeting the childhood vaccine schedule, contrary to his pledges during his senate confirmation hearings, stating that he would convene representatives "all view points," and that "nothing was going to be off limits." This would include the MMR vaccine, which provides lifetime immunity to measles for 95% of those who receive the vaccine.
Meanwhile, the measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico has reached 99 cases, mostly in unvaccinated kids, including 16 hospitalizations. The new top medical officer in the country has, so far, said nothing about this outbreak. But his ally, Sayer Ji, published the following on Wednesday: "mainstream medicine rarely acknowledges...that measles...has long-documented health benefits...may help protect against chronic diseases, certain cancers and autoimmune disorders."
All this is consistent with Kennedy's pledge to "give infectious disease a rest for 8 years" and focus on chronic diseases, which he blames, in part, on vaccines.
And while measles continues to surge, so does H5N1, with alarming new developments. A strain found on 8 Canadian farms has a rare mutation that gives it resistance to the antiviral drug oseltamivir (tamiflu). It is believed that this mutation was derived from a low pathogenic strain of influenza, something that could have resulted from genetic reassortment during a coinfection with a human strain of influenza. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/exceptionally-rare-mutation-h5n1-virus-canada-tied-antiviral-drug
Also, a new study (a not yet peer-reviewed, pre-print) suggests that highly pathogenic strains, like H5N1, shed in the feces of infected birds, could be spread through the wind. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2025.02.12.637829v1
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