@amerika @chiamaluca If by "popularity" you mean which one was more convincing, sure.
', '@amerika @chiamaluca If by "popularity" you mean which one was more convincing, sure.
']@chiamaluca Someone on another instance responded saying it wasn't a debate, it was a popularity contest. (Instance is possibly blocked by mastodon world).
No, it's not a debate. It's a comparison showcase. Has been for years,.
', '@chiamaluca Someone on another instance responded saying it wasn't a debate, it was a popularity contest. (Instance is possibly blocked by mastodon world).
No, it's not a debate. It's a comparison showcase. Has been for years,.
']thanks... I understand now
but shouldn't popularity derive from the proposals?
the more the proposals are favored the greater the popularity?
I can understand that over the years it has become a 'media catwalk'... but for voters the -political proposals- should be the determining factor of popularity
I think