@cindyweinstein I hope that the likes in the screenshot are not for him.
@cindyweinstein Are we surprised, really?
Oh sorry I forgot, Ukraine doesn't have the so called "cards"
@cindyweinstein Didn’t Musk just say that empathy was the west’s great weakness?
These people are so full of shit, it’s remarkable it doesn’t pour out of their ears.
@cindyweinstein Demand it, even
@cindyweinstein He can shit in one hand and put my sympathy in the other.
Yes, it would be sympathy for the devil, wouldn't it?
@cindyweinstein I have beaucoup sympathy for the traditional, Miltonic Devil. None for this crop of hosers.
Of course, Milton's Satan! How could I have forgotten him! 🤓 P.S. no irony, ok maybe a smidge. I am an English professor!
He did. It's the heads I win tails you lose approach to all things.
You're saying it *doesn't* pour out of their ears? I just assumed, you know, it was a thing after it happened with Rudy G…
Good one!🤣
Not at all, especially since he ran (into the ground) a casino.
@NatureMC @cindyweinstein no, those are for Oleksandra