Hi Ten Forward! 🖖 New user here. Thought I'd give an #introduction:
I have loved Star Trek for as long as I can remember. I am a web developer who is very #anticapitalist and interested in #ecovillages, #communes, #solarpunk & #scifi, #workerowned #cooperatives, and the #solidarityeconomy just to name a few.
I am very grateful for Gene's vision of the future of humanity. He saw the potential and opportunity for us all, if only we could grow beyond our complacency, fear, and lack of imagination.
As everyone has been experiencing lately, we on planet Earth are at a turning point. We can either continue along with the status quo and passively watch fascism rise, the billionaires take everything, and watch them pollute the air and boil our oceans, or we can make real changes and put ourselves back on the path of a brighter future.
The billionaires we cede our sovereignty to are so few in number, and we are so many. We *can* change the world for the better, for all of us. We *must*.