What government is coming after me, Mr. Justice? I am a #law abiding citizen. The only branch of the govt that seems to, at this specific moment, be coming after a good citizen like me & my rights is #SCOTUS… of which you are a member…. So which is it, Mr. #Gorsuch, the *deep-state*… or you…? I would love a ferociously #independent judge & jury of my peers to make decisions, but that is pretty damn difficult when you just made #BRIBERY #LEGAL!
…make no mistake, this is bully talk coming from #Gorsuch & #SCOTUS. The #SupremeCourt has no official capacity or duty to make #laws or enforce them. It is the sole jurisdiction of #Congress to make laws, & thereby create #legislative reform. It is also the power of the #President, as the leader of his #political party, to recommend & advise to his party members in Congress to make laws that he believes would be beneficial to the Republic.
The slimy six are all of the peerage class, or so they fancy themselves. The entire Heritage Foundation is a version of the House of Lords. To use a crude but apt description from my southern youth, " they think their sh*t don't stink." Their supremacist attitude is not limited to race. Gorsuch was telling blue collar Biden not to get "uppity."