After six long months of relentless searching, I finally got a job offer. It’s far from what I’d hoped for—a deep pay cut, but in a job market like this, it feels like finding a tiny lifeboat in a stormy sea.
I’ve faced countless rejections, been ghosted by companies, and even dodged a few scams. Employers hold all the power right now, and it’s disheartening to see so many take advantage. Automated systems are discarding talented candidates by the thousands, and many job postings aren’t even real—they were never planning to hire anyone. It’s a harsh game, and it’s left me exhausted.
The past six months have been some of the hardest of my life. I’ve been job hunting every single day, completely burnt out. With my unemployment benefits ending this week, I came terrifyingly close to losing my home. The weight of it all pushed me into the darkest place I’ve ever been—feeling like I was drowning without a way out. It was as if I was standing at the edge of a cliff, desperately looking for a light to guide me back. Three times, I nearly reached out for a lifeline.
Antidepressants, counseling, and the unwavering support of my family were what kept me going, even when hope felt like a distant memory. I’ve learned a lot about who’s truly there for me and who’s just around when things are easy.
Corporate greed and the broken job market brought me to my knees, but self-care and prioritizing my mental health kept me standing. I’m still here, still fighting, and trying to find the light for the road ahead.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
#JobHuntJourney #MentalHealthMatters #SurvivingTheStruggle #FindingHope