#israel #cdnpoli #canpoli #universityprotest #freedom #education The recommendations from this House of Commons Committee report are frankly horrifying.
Academic freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly? Apparently it doesn’t apply if you criticize Israel and “Zionism”?
These “recommendations” are, in my opinion, anathema to what universities are supposed to encourage: critical thought, social responsibility, and a broad understanding of the world.
These recommendations are a direct attack on Universities themselves and the students and faculty within them.
The brazen hypocrisy of demanding more teachings on the Holocaust, which is taught extensively, while ignoring and erasing the reality of Palestinians is beyond the pale. It is in service of genocide.
The recommendations have not even one mention of Palestinians. This is complete erasure of an issue and people. This is, in my opinion, an official recommendation from a House of Commons committee to glorify and protect genocide and advocate for colonization and to silence anyone who might disagree, let alone advocate or teach something else.
In CANADA!? The land of Indian Residential Schools, Truth and Reconciliation, #decolonization, and the cultural genocide we are all supposed to acknowledge and accept that our government committed?? I would be very interested to hear each committee member’s position on that.
Absolutely Disgusting. Every person on this committee should be ashamed.
And ending the recommendations with this: “Canadians have the right to be Zionists”, is simply childish.
Canadians have the right to be racists too….
As a faculty member of a University that SUED its own students for peacefully protesting and continues to bully and harass those (academically excellent) students through academic penalty… I reject this farce of a report from a committee of individuals that clearly don’t understand the meaning of critical thinking.
cc: @Paulatics @davidakin