This is a before and after example of one of the properties I've done invasive plant removal for, along with a picture of a friend who helped me one day. This property had at least 24 trashcans full of English ivy that needed to get taken away. While clearing it, found some sapling Carolina cherry laurel, around a dozen maple-leaf viburnum saplings, at least 20 cranefly orchid plants, and even some beautiful ghost pipes (a parasitic native plant that makes white waxy flowers). It's nice to help my neighbors out, and this project is part of 7 connected properties that asked for my service. An enormous project, but a project with huge rewards for our native plants and animals to have a large invasive-plant free refuge.
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#nativeplants #invasiveplants #invasivespecies #native #plants #forest #nature #northcarolina #habitat #habitatrestoration #ecosystems #environment #environmental