I’m in the middle of another bookmaking class. I freaking love this, every step. I even enjoy the math of it, the precision. I wish I just made and sold books. I saw an interview recently with Elizabeth Gilbert, where she talked about a journaling/prayer practice she does where she writes whatever she needs to hear from her higher power the most, and I think if I did that what I’d most want to hear is, “Put all the old bullshit career pressures you feel down, and just make books.”
Edited 63d ago
@hollie Beautiful signature stitching! I loved making books. I used to make books of my poetry. I hand wrote on handmade paper and hand-bound the books. My first girlfriend, from 50 years ago told me a while back she still has the book I wrote and bound for her.
Besides making books, restoring of grand old volumes is a time-honored career. Not many people know how to do it properly. And from what I see, you are on your way to learning the ropes. Congratulations!