9 days into this shit show and I'm still waiting for the Nat-C apologists in my life to pull their heads out of the sand. I can shout, and rant, share media, break down analyses, and direct folks to official reports from Gov't Commissions... and STILL people are "undecided" about voting for the #CanPoli #CPC
Like, Poilievre's voting record against women and LGBTQ rights going back 20 years! Nothing. No reaction. Didn't bother to read it.
The prospective PM of our nation and leader of the CPC in spite of himself is a 4chan whiner who never grew up, coddled by the party since he was 14, and so broken up about his parents separation he's decided to blame his dad for being #Gay and his mother for being a #Woman. He'll see others suffer out of pettiness rather than go to therapy and move on. Try helping someone out with all that power and privilege, just once in your miserable life PP!
Fuck me, being a woman in this world is to be #Cassandra on repeat. Shut down, talked over, or derided.
The US has devolved into a fascist autocracy, and debating the modern use of "Nazi" is missing the point!
How many broken families, terrified children, or dead women does it take to see the THREAT.
Day 9/
The last guy took 53 days... that may have just been due to the pace of typists and print at the time.
I hope to see all my neighbors and neighbours fight back. Little ways or big, don't let the fuckers win. And VOTE when you can. Volunteer and work at your local voting stations, get involved at every level, fill your local committees and teams.
We can all see the bigoted trolls trying to steer our systems hard right, it seems they've nothing else to do but hate and interfere. Stand up and steer true. We're all on this flaming dinghy together.
#HumanRights #LGBTQ #EducateAgitateOrganize
#FuckFascism #NeverPoilievre