Have you ever wondered where fast pedestrians are supposed to cross?
@jerry In the US there are no fast pedestrians.
(I hate stereotypes, but for the sake of shitposting exceptions must be made)
I'll get me coat.
@jerry the village where my Dad lived in the UK had a warning sign at its entrance that said “Slow Children” which I always thought was a bit harsh.
@jerry like neutrinos, fast pedestrians are constantly crossing everywhere at all times without being observed
@jerry Town I used to live had a rather infamous school with a "slow children at play" sign everyone joked was very apt given the school
@bhawthorne @jerry Should I slow down due to children? (Speed limit is 25 mph in neighborhoods in MI) or are the children "slow" and I should watch out for them.
@jjesse @bhawthorne 🤔 I’ve long wondered why, if we need to slow down below the 25mph speed limit for kids, they don’t lower the speed limit.
@itisiboller touché