Teacher: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention of over 1,700 words. He was a linguistic genius.
Student: Can I make up words and use them in my papers?
Teacher: Absolutely fucking not.
Teacher: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention of over 1,700 words. He was a linguistic genius.
Student: Can I make up words and use them in my papers?
Teacher: Absolutely fucking not.
High quality fact
@lowqualityfacts Here's a tangential low quality fact:
Iceland's only Nobel laureate received the prize for literature, but was notorious for using incorrect grammar in their works.
@lowqualityfacts the trick to getting away with making up words: Make up a word that is so *right* for the context you slide it into that no-one notices that it didn't exist already.
@lowqualityfacts I hated studying Shakespeare, I hate Shakespeare and I will always hate Shakespeare
@lowqualityfacts Quod licet Iovi, non licet Bovi!
@lowqualityfacts Brilliant - “see the writer with his pen who must be dead to be admired” - with apologies to Gordon Lightfoot (Don Quixote)
@lowqualityfacts That's not a cromulent thing to do.