@gary_alderson I see. Do you give your work always for free?
@matasoft the ad sucks, the product is better from china as they have more good faith and innovation, american ai has exceptionalism that makes them think they can charge more and get away with it
@gary_alderson I am neither from China, neither USA. But, I did make a useful software that can embed locally installed AI model into a spreadsheet formula, to do useful things. And, I am pretty proud, as with my other softwares. Because I made it.
@matasoft big whoop, you will get crushed - if not come back and see me in a year. yeah you made it but there are teams of thousands making superior (basically free) products and you think you can compete - i don't think so.
@gary_alderson maybe so, but what's the point of this claim? Not to do anything? Not to create anything, because somebody else might do it better? To work for free? To be just a consumer?