@benroyce @BenAveling @me
"They amplified the harris doesn't speak forcefully enough on gaza, so don't vote"?
Then all that Harris needed to do was to speak forcefully on gaza, but she refused to do so.
@RonSupportsYou @BenAveling @me
but #harris *did* speak forcefully on #gaza:
but it's never enough for impotent, fragile #toxicidealism
your error is you assume you are dealing with rational people
you are not
you are dealing with people whose job #1 is to make an excuse to not participate
they will do this forever, always moving the goalpost
their idiotic, self-destructive "goal" is holy perfection, now, or they excuse themselves from social responsibility
You call a statement prefaced with several paragraphs of apologia for Israel's actions forceful?
You can say that folks are unreachable, but I remember the swell of enthusiasm when Biden dropped out that waned more quickly than it really should have when it became clear that she would absolutely not in fact represent a major shift from Biden with respect to Gaza.
At the end of the day, I voted Harris, but c'mon!
you voted for harris so you're rational. thank you
but "the statement wasn't perfect enough, therefore those who helped give us trump by not voting, something much worse for gaza, is understandable..."
da fuq?
why are you making excuses for these fools?
toxic idealism which only destroys its own interests?
blame is not on harris
blame is on these impotent morons who have no idea how to make any difference in the world, actively sabotaging their own causes
all heart, no mind
@benroyce @matt5sean3 Words aren't going to stop Israel. But. The candidate with the most chance of going beyond words was Harris. Any voter who had the continued existence of Palestine as their prime objective voted Democrat.
and some who said gaza was their concern and therefore not to vote are merely malicious trollfarm on social media working the electorate
but also, unfortunately, the completely stupid self-destructive toxic idealist is a real kind of person
which is why the trolls work this angle
Any voter who had the survival of the Palestinian people in mind knew that an election wasn't going to change that, but they did know that they could choose to not be behind the person finishing the job. So, they got back on the protest line.
Is it a rational response? No, except for the getting back to more direct protests part, but neither is what Israel is doing?
@matt5sean3 @BenAveling @benroyce
I still can't understand how blame for the victory of the orange rapist is always laid exclusively at the feet of individuals disaffected by a genocide. Harris could have distanced herself a bit from Pres. Biden as he perpetuated an Israeli conducted genocide. The ICC may be toothless, but it does have moral authority, and Biden & Harris's full support of an indicted war criminal alienated many progressives. I voted for him, but understand those who did not
@benroyce @JeffreySmith @matt5sean3 There’s plenty of blame to go around.
@benroyce @matt5sean3 I assume there’s also ppl whose identify is based on ‘Israel most be stopped’. If Israel actually were stopped, they’d need to get a new identity.
well that's the other issue
if harris/ biden, somehow, miraculously, were able to change the policies and actions of israel, you are dealing with people who would then move the goalposts and find some other reason to not do their social responsibility and vote
because they don't even really care about gaza. they care about making excuses for their entitlement
So your position is that "if we give people what they want they won't vote for us anyway."
That's an awfully convenient way to absolve responsibility for not choosing more popular policies. Maybe there's some weird edge cases out there, the world is full of weirdos, but do you think there's a significant enough number that it would have flipped an election that unfortunately just was not that close.
@matt5sean3 @benroyce So we’re both agreed that the dems were better than Trump?
And we both agree they should have done more?
You claim to believe that it would have gained them more votes than it would have cost, while I doubt that is true.
So here we are. You believe they should have said more, “because it would have gotten them more votes”.
While i believe they should do more than talk, because it would be morally right.