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Profile image for Derek Martin

Derek Martin

@[email protected]

I'm Derek. I am a nerd. Principal Program Manager, Azure Core, Global Resiliency. Toots are my opinion and don't represent my company.

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@w7voa wait a sec - they did something...useful?

Derek Martin boosted

Sleep well, America!

backed by the government are targeting U.S. water treatment plants and electrical grids, strategically positioning themselves within critical infrastructure systems to "wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities," FBI Director Christopher Wray is expected to tell Congress Wednesday.”

Derek Martin boosted

Hello everyone. I know that these are tough times for many people. If you derive value from the fediverse and have the means to do so, please consider donating to support your instance. Most instances rely on donations to pay the bills ( and friends cost over $3000/month to host).

Instructions on how to donate are generally available on your instance's "about" page (for example:

Also, I firmly believe that access to the fediverse should not be tied to one's ability to pay, and I think it's even more important for those in difficult situations to maintain the social connections that the fediverse provides, so (at least in my view) donations are welcome, but not required in any way.

And for those people who already donate, my hats off to you. You make the fediverse possible. Emoji blobheartcat

@rbreich One of the dumber of the dumb things they continue to dumb.

Derek Martin boosted

@arstechnica Yeah, it’s pretty bad. The non-combat scenes were quite boring. The characters feel off putting. Felt like a retelling of Memphis Bell, but with more CGI and more bleh scenes. Hanging in there because of the pedigree of Tom/Stephen, but yeah, not awesome.

It’s a great day in the ! If you are a org just joining the vibrant community, make sure to your profile (org and individuals) at Also a great place to the thousands that have already joined! Bonus - weekly stats dashboard! Look forward to seeing you there!

@jerry Daily

@jeff @damemagazine Ooof that’s epic fail lol. Thanks @jeff

Derek Martin boosted

Americans: please give us an affordable, practical, small EV with decent range

American car companies: here’s a $70,000 EV truck that weighs 6 tons lol

<zero EV trucks are sold>

American car companies: wow americans aren’t ready for EVs

@JessTheUnstill have been considering immigrating to Canada for years, and keep coming across "don't forget Quebec, we're awesome too" - mmm, yeah, no.

@TexasObserver @[email protected] @hey_beth @ooze @w7voa @fulelo @sltrib @coloradosun @flatwaterfreepress @gbhnews @ak_ok @thevallejosun @gilduran @bolts @theconversationus @damemagazine @russcontreras @hyperallergic @pbump @dangillmor @propublica @jamesgleick @drewharwell @baltimorebanner @semafor @themarkup And for those that can’t run their own instance, my tiny company offers “bring your own domain” services for news orgs: as well as verification services for journalists, complete with engagement stats at (free!)

@cdlhamma Yes, no D will vote for her. But TONS of Rs would.

Derek Martin boosted

After two contests in the 2024 GOP presidential primaries, Trump has 20 bound delegates versus 91 indictment counts.

@NewsDesk I feel like any coverage of primary contests without highlighting with big massive underscores “turnout” is giving us and the candidates some massive misunderstandings

@cdlhamma I think she will once “he” becomes the official nominee

I think it’s about time for Liz to step into the fray.

That was unexpected, and welcome. A remarkably cogent response from a otherwise steaming pile of…oh never mind.

@MissingThePt Yeah, clarify for me - did he actually say that?

Derek Martin boosted

V WaPo:
Science is revealing why American politics are so intensely polarized

@aral Really excited to try it out when it’s ready!

@paul Fix rolling out now - thank you so much!

Derek Martin boosted

The kids were guessing the ingredients of my stroganoff sauce.

Thinking about salt, I gave them a hint: "It's very small, you can't see it, but it's present in almost all food."

Said the 7yo: "Microplastics!"

Edited 281d ago