Dual “something” here. First we have Apollo 13 quote: “was it the door?” Also, we have the fact that it’s Boeing and it could actually be the door. https://www.voanews.com/a/boeing-starliner-spacecraft-detects-leaks-on-journey-to-iss/7645414.html #space
@GottaLaff How is she THAT smart? Insanity!
Oh hey: our newsroom released a short #documentary today.
"Don't Judge Me" is the story of Onyx White. He went to prison at 16 and is now trying to build a life after 12 years inside.
It's all free to watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6mZ2N2qsXM
All nine Republican senators running for reelection this year just voted against the right to contraception:
John Barrasso
Marsha Blackburn
Kevin Cramer
Ted Cruz
Deb Fischer
Josh Hawley
Pete Ricketts
Rick Scott
Roger Wicker
So much for the party of "freedom."
@GottaLaff Is there a mechanism? Like does a forced recusal mechanism exist? Honest question
@film_girl Eh. It’s all incremental from here on out for Apple I feel.
@w7voa I agree with all the comments this far, but some strange part of me still thinks he knows it is an absofuckinglootly suicidal concept (to attack nato)
Felt this in my bones https://mastodon.ie/users/devxvda/statuses/111545931966255844
@NewsDesk @AxiosNews @2024-elections-AxiosNews Would it be prudent for Fanni to bail to let the case move forward?
@TheConversationUS I feel like it’s cannon fodder because of #4. It isn’t great, but it might be strategic (in as much as it’s moral to fuck with human rights). It feels like positioning to neuter the argument is all. No?
This is hardly news. Of course this happened. https://flipboard.com/users/ElectionCentral/statuses/wchGwWaYQZakQIgSvhuwOw:a:512406067
Solitary confinement is classified as torture by the UN and is a war crime under the Geneva Convention, yet more than 500 people have endured this for a decade or longer in Texas. Damascus James created “Texas Letters,” an anthology and book series featuring the unedited writings of people who have spent months, years and sometimes decades in isolation. @TexasObserver has extracts from the second volume here.
@VModifiedMind Depends on scale. I built ourselves.space for big community. Just didn’t pan out
@VModifiedMind Very few users (a few of them had none), for whatever reason, those never took off for me and cost a bit to run. The relay is rocking along though!
Notice of Intent to Retire ourselves.space Ecosystem
Please note that on or before July 1, 2024, the ourselves.space ecosystem will no longer be available on the fediverse. This includes:
1. write.ourselves.space
2. books.ourselves.space
3. videos.ourselves.space
4. pics.ourselves.space
5. ourselves.space
6. ourselves.space multi-domain support
This does NOT impact other fediverse related services that The Doodle Project operates including the activitypub relay (https://mastodon-relay.thedoodleproject.net) or VerifiedJournalist.org (https://verifiedjournalist.org).
All users are advised to migrate their content as soon as possible to avoid disruption.
Residents of 21 cities in Utah have access to some of the fastest, most competitively priced broadband in the US, at speeds up to 10gb/s and prices as low as $75/month. It's uncapped, and the connections are symmetrical: perfect for uploading *and* downloading. And it's all thanks to the government.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
What the actual fuck...
Two things, 1. this must have been a weird group in MS doing return to office, cause my entire division remains 100% work wherever you want. Second, no shit. #wfh is life
Dear Dell. You can fuck right off. https://apple.news/A-ET4q1CWT_C-LpbqZLtkSA #wfh you’ve lost me as a customer and I’ll advise anyone that asks to not do business with a company that hates its employees
Sweet baby Jesus yes!
RE: https://www.threads.net/@dystopichippy/post/C6rRAXmRy1K