@GottaLaff @lisamelton That’s…an approach
@JessTheUnstill Could be worse… Microsoft marketing could have been involved 😆
@TheConversationUS It’s just noise and time filler for the cable networks.
I. Don’t. Care. You adapt for a change. https://youtu.be/TfUhykd1Ifc?si=ZDwxezR4WAO5uKpJ
Massive new $11 billion project could revolutionize US power grid: ‘What’s amazing … is the speed of deployment’ https://www.yahoo.com/tech/massive-11-billion-project-could-150000135.html
Related to the weather, y'all know that these polar vortexes are caused by global warming weakening our jet stream because of the smaller difference in temperatures between the polar and equatorial regions right?
Anyways, now you do and here's a graphic if you want.
@georgetakei all 6 of them.. every time!
In separate legal rulings, Trump has been found to have committed rape, business fraud, and insurrection.
And yet he remains the Republican presidential front runner.
Don't ever tell me again that the GOP is the party of "family values" or "law and order."
@tchambers, author of the Twitter Migration report and admin of indieweb.social, is an internet steward everyone should know. In this podcast with @mike, Tim expounds on social media’s thorniest issues and explains how the Fediverse offers a better social home than anything we've had before.
#Flipboard #DotSocial #ActivityPub #Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #SocialMedia
I’m a fan of the SecDev. This is unacceptable and potentially illegal. What on earth is going on here? https://ground.news/article/defense-secretary-remains-hospitalized-as-details-emerge-about-delays-in-notification-even-to-biden_fecf9f #news #secdef
In a compromise related to the Supreme Court hearing the appeal of Trump’s Colorado ballot case, while Justice Thomas will not recuse himself he has agreed not to wear his wife’s QAnon Shaman headwear at oral argument.
Some say the swordfish has no natural predators, often forgetting the penfish which is believed to be mightier.
Teacher: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention of over 1,700 words. He was a linguistic genius.
Student: Can I make up words and use them in my papers?
Teacher: Absolutely fucking not.
@Gazimoff Indeed! But they’re more bite sized. Doesn’t quite fit at least to me but I e been wrong at least twice today!
@Kurt it's kind of impressive they identify how many partners they're selling you too - that's a neat new something!