Progetto grafico e stampa di una serie di poster per l'installazione La Custodia dei Saperi, progettata da Atelier Terrapia. L'installazione racconta la produzione di materiali da costruzione naturali che utilizzano fibre vegetali. I poster sono stampati su carta riciclata Favini Crush Grape da 120 g e Mais da 200 g. Le tavole da 30 x 80 cm (rosa) raccontano il progetto di ricerca e forniscono una geografia delle tecniche costruttive e dei/lle partecipanti di questa prima edizione. Le tavole 30 x 42 (crema) invece contengono testimonianze e immagini dei processi produttivi. Sul retro delle 5 tavole sono riprodotti i primi campioni delle specie vegetali in questione, conservati presso l'Erbario dell'Orto Botanico di Cagliari. Il font è Dagheest (Director) di Velvetyne Type Foundry.
Graphic design and printing of a series of posters for the installation La Custodia dei Saperi, designed by Atelier Terrapia. The installation tells the story of the production of natural building materials using vegetable fibres. The posters are printed on 120 g Favini Crush Grape and 200 g Mais recycled paper. The 30 x 80 cm boards (pink) narrate the research project and provide a geography of the construction techniques and participants in this first edition. The 30 x 42 cm boards (cream), on the other hand, contain testimonies and images of the production processes. On the reverse side of the 5 plates are reproduced the first samples of the plant species in question, preserved in the Herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Cagliari. The font is Dagheest (Director) by Velvetyne Type Foundry.
#riso #risograph #risography #stampa #printing #print #poster #posters #graphicdesign #grafica #inastallazione #art #installation #exhibitdesign #exhibition #favini #paper #recycledpaper #sardinia #sardegna #cagliar #oreri #architecture #architettura #natura #natural #materials #material #construction
Graphic design and printing of a series of posters for the installation La Custodia dei Saperi, designed by Atelier Terrapia. The installation tells the story of the production of natural building materials using vegetable fibres. The posters are printed on 120 g Favini Crush Grape and 200 g Mais recycled paper. The 30 x 80 cm boards (pink) narrate the research project and provide a geography of the construction techniques and participants in this first edition. The 30 x 42 cm boards (cream), on the other hand, contain testimonies and images of the production processes. On the reverse side of the 5 plates are reproduced the first samples of the plant species in question, preserved in the Herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Cagliari. The font is Dagheest (Director) by Velvetyne Type Foundry.
#riso #risograph #risography #stampa #printing #print #poster #posters #graphicdesign #grafica #inastallazione #art #installation #exhibitdesign #exhibition #favini #paper #recycledpaper #sardinia #sardegna #cagliar #oreri #architecture #architettura #natura #natural #materials #material #construction