@Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic
I hope the MIL is going to be alright, she's certainly in the best place now. And yes, the self-denial and gaslighting of our sensory makeup, both the good and bad aspects of it, hasn't done any of us any favours.
@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Hey Kevin 👋😊
Thanks, hopefully they’ll pump my MiL full of anti-biotics & she’ll be right as rain in a couple of days!
Still learning new stuff about myself & how autism is affecting me every day!
Hope you had a good day today & if you’re working tonight then you have a good shift! 😊🫶🐿️🖖
@Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic
Hopefully you're right about MIL. No work for me, as I'm currently enjoying a preview of retirement, due to my broken left paw.
@pathfinder @Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic Did you get a good splint? Makes a difference
@jacquiharper @Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic
The fracture clinic sent me one. I'm also still wearing the wrist brace, even though I was told I didn't need to. It helps me to remember not to use the hand and also gives a bit of protection for when I inevitably knock it
@pathfinder @jacquiharper @actuallyautistic That’s the problem with hand/ arm injuries, they are so very easy to knock!
@Tim_McTuffty @pathfinder @actuallyautistic Is your left the dominant paw? (It missed me, but my father was and oldest son is southpaw)