Story time: G-d is good to me. G-d is good to me. Since I couldn't log into #SSA for who knows what reason, thus began the desperate hunt for the print version of the 1099. Why do I have such a huge mountain of print mail having amassed? Clutter keeps me from that which I must find, the prize of my hunt. So, down on the floor I sit so as not to drop anything and out comes #SeeingAI and a scanning we go. An hour and a half later the mountain of clutter is sorted into a pile for saving and a pile for banishing to the trash. But still no joy. It must be here. I pray a desperate prayer and look through the tax papers folder, still no joy. Wait, what's this behind the file box. A Ziplock bag containing some braille. Well, well, there it is the #Braille copy of the 1099 and look what’s right with it the print version. I was more efficient than I knew it just hadn't made it into the box. It must have been on top of the lid and fallen behind. I tell you that box of 1,000 1-gallon Ziplock bags I bought was one of the best organizational investments I've ever made. I recommend 1-gallon and 2-gallon Ziplock bags for organizing papers and other things quite heartily. 🙏🙏🙌
@robini71 So filing papers in zip-locks like that doesn't ruin the papers over time? I guess i would worry that despite my best efforts, any air or humidity in the bag could ruin whatever documents it contained. Also do you braille directly on the bags or do you stick labels on them?
@SteveSawczyn I stick labels on them. And so far I've had no ruination that I know about. I suppose one could just not zip them shut before putting them in the file folders as I do that way they'd still be contained but also get air. What do I know.
@robini71 It probably works perfectly fine. I'm an over-worrier so tend to worry about things that likely will never go wrong. Ultimately, you have a system that is working, I have stacks of stuff that I'm sure I'll file eventually but which will remain a disorganized mess until I do. :(
@SteveSawczyn I worry too so I empathize. It's why I never a truly air tight safe because I read about them having mildew issues bleh.
@SteveSawczyn Oh nooo