I was mostly ignoring all this buzz about backing up your ebook library from amazon because I didn't think I needed to because I try to only buy drm free books. But I realized my spouse has a bunch of ebooks from over the years so I decided to have a go at it. I was able to backup over 90 books myself, including some comics that I forgot I had from before Amazon bought comixology. I then set up on a headless calibre server for us to be able to easily access our ebook library..
All this had me thinking.. But what about the audiobooks? (My spouse also has used Audible (also owned by amazon) for years before switching to libro.fm). so today I decided to backup all of her audiobooks as well, and I found a audiobookshelf ( https://audiobookshelf.org ) to self host an audiobooks library as well.
We now have all of our books outside of the control of others.
#books #eBooks #AudioBooks #selfhost #DigitalOwnership #bookstodon