@scientist @DoomsdaysCW in the UK the Tory government has moved swiftly towards criminalising all forms of protest. A protest can be just one person and people can be apprehended and charged by the police on the belief that they may intend to join a protest - they don’t have to have participated. Such legislation enables the police ‘to carry out their job’. Our politicians have stated those engaging in environmental protest are extremists.
@JugglingWithEggs @scientist @DoomsdaysCW let me be one of the first to point out that these are changes to the criminal law in England (and possibly Wales) but do NOT apply in Scotland (notwithstanding your use of the term ‘UK’)
@strathearnrose @JugglingWithEggs @DoomsdaysCW
Fair point
@scientist @JugglingWithEggs @DoomsdaysCW it’s always useful to know there’s a criminal law comparison available just up the road 😉