Yesterday, I started listening to NORTH by Scott Jurek – wow! This is a piece of art! Scott and his wife Jenny are telling the story of him #Running the Appalachian Trail from South to North (which is the opposite of most hikers‘ direction), and the changing perspective gives a lot of fascinating insights into many aspects of such monstrous endurance tasks. As I said/wrote: I started yesterday, but I‘m already at 63 percent of the audiobook. What a great book! #audiobooks #scottjurek
@sebastianhahn Ooh this looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@sebastianhahn I see him all the time in the yoga for runners series I do on run days, and wondered if he’d done anything like that. I’ll go look for it when I get back in.
@sebastianhahn to be pedantic, most folks hike North Bound, they start in Georgia in early spring, and try to finish in Maine before the fall.
But, yes his efforts and the book is a fund listen. I really enjoyed it, and it started me listening to a bunch of similar long trek/hiking / running adventure books. All of them make me want to spend a few months finding myself on the trail.
@sebastianhahn does the narrator switch for Jenny’s chapters?
@Dave3307 Yes, they both read their respective parts. This adds to the credibility and originality. I quite like that!
@sebastianhahn I remember thinking her putting up with his spontaneous decision to do the AT was almost more impressive than the actual running/hiking
@m750 I am really inspired by such books, even more by that great little movie called MILE, MILE AND A HALF. This one‘s not about running, but about being out there on a trail and being part of nature. Sounds gorgeous.
@WTL @sebastianhahn sounds like a good listen, even if I’m never ever ever going to try to run the Appalachian trail.
@WTL I do them as well, but not as often as my body would like… He‘s a really nice guy, judging by the book.
@bomkatt @WTL @sebastianhahn I concur that it is a fantastic read. I loved every part of it. The dual narrative is a genius move for that story.