#Canadians: everything the fascists are doing in the States is exactly what they plan to do here. And quislings like Danielle Smith, John Rustad and Pierre Poilievre are their tools.
@Crispius it's the IDU. The right-wing and far right parties are coordinating their efforts to destroy democracy all over the world.
@stellarsarah @Crispius Thank you, this can't be emphasized enough. Canadians have a special culpability in this global threat, due to the international leadership role of Stephen "The Decider" Harper.
@Panopticola Trying to restrain myself from saying what I actually want to say about being told "Harper and the IDU are my fault"... ๐คฌ
@zenheathen @Panopticola @stellarsarah @Crispius The whataboutism is strong. We booted him out and we're struggling to keep the right wing propaganda out, like everyone else is. Their tentacles are well funded. I guess some members of the left think they're more "pure" than others.
@Karnbot13 @zenheathen @stellarsarah @Crispius If you want to embrace individualism instead of collective responsibility, then sure, I personally am liable to canadians and the world by the degree in which I continue to fail preventing authoritarianism taking root. It's an ongoing responsibility and I have many failures to learn from. I didnโt organize hard enough, didn't write enough articles, didn't research and expose enough. I think it takes a village to raise a Harper that actually gets to power.
@Panopticola if it helps, I didn't take your response as a "whataboutism" sort thing. It's more of an acknowledgement that Canada isn't perfect and Canadians did elect this man to be Prime Minister several times.
We should examine how this happened and learn from our mistakes as much as Americans should regarding Trump (or as much as anyone should regarding their own extreme right wing). We don't learn from our mistakes and failures if we don't acknowledge them.