"What started as a defense of traditional gender roles morphed into an offensive drive for Christian nationalism, in part sparked by southern, white, primarily Christian women who demonstrated against their own liberation."
~ Ibid., p. 10
"What started as a defense of traditional gender roles morphed into an offensive drive for Christian nationalism, in part sparked by southern, white, primarily Christian women who demonstrated against their own liberation."
~ Ibid., p. 10
“In 2016, the idea of a female president was not an abstraction, but a real possibility. In the end, whites who live in the South, particularly white women, played a big part in Hillary Clinton's loss.”
~ Ibid., p. 207
"Throughout the world at the present day, the most easily heard tone in religion (not just Christianity) is of a generally angry conservatism. Why? I would hazard that the anger centres on a profound shift in gender roles which have traditionally been given a religious significance and validated by religious traditions."
~ Diarmaid MacCulloch, Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years, pp. 990-1