Linguists, animal lovers, and infographic designers--this article is for you. A beautiful, scrolling animation providing a visual analysis of animal sounds across cultures. Meet: cat! duck! and pig! (if they spoke in IPA). #linguistics #anthropology #design #animals #animation #cat
I get really fed up with ... let's call it caveman essentialism? This is everywhere and speaking as an anthropologist, it's pure horseshit. The idea that "when we were cavemen" or "hunter-gatherers" or "back in the stone age," deployed to explain (read: justify, throw one's hands up at) modern, culturally specific behaviors, in the name of evolutionary biology ... this really gets my goat.
#anthropology @anthropology
1.4-million-year-old skull fragments linked to mystery human ancestor.
@Gizmodo reports: "The fragmentary facial bones belong to Homo affinis erectus, an esoteric offshoot of our family tree that inhabited Spain more than one million years ago."
The family group/tribe is built on mutual support, but the modern conservative version is transactional, based on membership and loyalty. Actions that look like kindness are in reality actions to reinforce tribal loyalty. I think this is why so many people in conservative communties, who are trapped in entirely conservative information spaces, have a hard time breaking free. They see examples of community support as affirmations of their community goodness, and this narrative is drummed into them constantly. Conservative leaders have the advantage of labeling any disruptive people or ideas as 'foreign' and a threat, even if from within the community, so that they never even have to engage with new ideas on merit.
Kindness isnt a relevant trait to their tribal functioning, because the ability to be unkind and cruel to people who arent toeing the tribal line is necessary to upholding 'family law'. Kindness in others undermines their attempts to police peoples behavior (this is why its so important that men are in charge). Therefore, not only is kindness devalued, it is actively persecuted as a threat to conservative values. And that is only treatment of your in-group. If you reject kindness internally, imagine how easy it is to subject an out-group to cruel inhumanity. You can literally justify anything. What is horrifying is the degree to which everyday members of conservative communities have become willfully blind to the terrible treatment of others in order to hang on to an image of community goodness. I have witnessed far too much of this in my life.
Its worth stating that the left has its own, different kind of tribalism. They embrace kindness but there is a lot of pressure to prove the right kind of worth. It has a distinctly multicultural, anti-authoritarian tribalism, where the rules of the tribe are under constant negotiation. This makes communicating a platform challenging. Its a lot simpler for conservative platforms whose rules come from demagogues and an old book.
The flaw of designing a system without compassion is that the cruelty eventually becomes impossible to hide from the tribe, and the cruelty comes for everyone. #uspol #politics #disability #sociology #anthropology #kindness #geopol
Performativity(ies) of Memory(ies) Interdisciplinary Conference
📍 Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal
📅 23–24 October 2025
Exploring memory in artistic research & interdisciplinary studies. Topics include identity, digital memory, re-creation, & participatory practices.
#MemoryStudies #Memory #Performativity #ArtResearch #InterdisciplinaryResearch #Anthropology
Marius Barbeau, born OTD in 1883, is now considered a founder of Canadian #anthropology #travel #Canada
Marius Barbeau, who died OTD in 1969, is now considered a founder of Canadian #anthropology #travel #Canada
Quiet Part Out Loud
Things they fail to teach in #business school, but are available for free at your closest public #library 🤷🏻♂️
#literature #philosophy #anthropology #linguistics #history #psychology
#Anthropology shows that societies collapse when leaders undermine social contracts
“Societies with good governance tend to last a bit longer than autocratic govt that keep power concentrated to one person or a small group.
But the flip side is that when a "good" govt collapses, things tend to be harder for the citizens, because they'd come to rely on the infrastructure of that govt in their day-to-day life.”
I’m Daniel. I’m an independent researcher who explores and writes about #psychedelics and #consciousness, #art, #philosophy, and #modernity from the standpoint of #sociology and #anthropology.
Slowly getting my website going. Read more about me and my project here:
Job - Alert ⏰
Deadline: 2025-02-28
Location: Switzerland, Basel
#hiring #PhD #biomedicalethics #PoliticalScience #anthropology #ethics #medicine #philosophy #PublicHealth #socialscience
Job - Alert 🎓
Deadline: 2025-02-28
Location: Switzerland, Basel
#hiring #PhD #BiomedicalEthics #Medicine #PoliticalScience #Anthropology #ethics #Medicine #Philosophy #publichealth #SocialScience
500-year-old Transylvanian diaries reveal how the Little Ice Age shaped life and death
Researchers in Romania have delved into centuries-old documents to grasp how climate fluctuations in the 16th century impacted Transylvania, an area that’s now part of Romania...
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Follow @archaeology
#archaeology #archeology #archaeologynews #anthropology #middleages #littleiceage #transylvania
22,000-year-old tracks are earliest evidence of transport vehicles.
New Scientist reports: "Tracks and footprints found in New Mexico are by far the earliest evidence of people using primitive vehicles to transport things."
#MAStudentship in #VisualAnthropology
Two partial scholarships (€4,000 each) available for the MA Visual Anthropology, Media & Documentary Practices (Winter 2025/26). Open to applicants with relevant degrees & at least one year of professional experience.
Deadline: 15/03/2025
#MediaStudies #Documentary #Anthropology #Scholarship #Anthropology
FREE community #fediscience, please BOOST!
Everybody welcome, just turn up!
LIVE @UCLAnthropology and on ZOOM
🌘Tues Feb 25, 6:30pm (London UTC)🌑
Erica Lagalisse
'On Anarchist Anthropology' in conversation with our own activist and radical anthropologist Chris Knight.
Erica is author of 'Occult Features of Anarchism' (PM Press, 2019). And many many popular anthropology zines!
Erica will be LIVE in the Daryll Forde, 2nd Floor of UCL Anthropology Dept. Come in good time by 6:30pm before doors close please. You can also join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak
#anarchism #anthropology #politics #activism #ethnography #conspiracytheory #religion
The scale of torture and killings in #Syria's detention facilities became evident in 2014 when 55,000 photos of victims were smuggled out. An expert in forensic #anthropology explains how the country must now reckon with this dark legacy.
#MiddleEast #WarCrimes
An archaeologist describes the moment he realized repatriation of Indigenous remains is about human rights, not just legal obligations. A well-preserved body changed his perspective. @histodons #Histodons #anthropology #archaeology
#Tairona #culture #TaironaCulture #SierraNevadaDeSantaMarta #SantaMarta #Magdalena #Tayrona #TayronaPark #Colombia #SouthAmerica #archaeology #precolombian #ancient #history #artifact #museum #anthropology #ancientArt #ceramic #indigenous #native #ceremony #ritual #sacred #dance #ceremonial #history #Columbia #photography #photo #fotografia #foto #nature #naturaleza #naturePhotography #pixelfed #travel #trip #art #arte
World’s largest ancient bead collection discovered in 5,000-year-old tomb in Spain
Archaeologists working at the Montelirio tholos, an ancient burial site estimated to be around 5,000 years old near Seville, Spain, have unearthed what is considered the largest collection of beads discovered in a solitary grave. This extensive array includes more than 270,000 beads, primarily made from marine shells..
More info:
Follow @archaeology
#Happiness is often seen as a U-shaped curve: youthful joy, struggles in early adulthood, and a late-life upswing. But this trend doesn’t hold in low-income, nonindustrialized societies. An #anthropology professor explains:
#Zoomposium with Prof. Dr. #Thomas #Fuchs: "#Embodied #Consciousness"
He is head of the section "#Phenomenological #Psychopathology and #Psychotherapy" at the Department of General #Psychiatry at Heidelberg University Hospital, head of research at the Karl Jaspers Comprehensive Edition of the Heidelberg Academy of #Sciences and Chairman of the German Society for Phenomenological #Anthropology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.
More at:
An African strontium map sheds light on the origins of enslaved people.
Science News reports: "Pinpointing birthplaces based on dental records can deepen understanding of the slave trade."
#Happiness is often seen as a U-shaped curve: youthful joy, struggles in early adulthood, and a late-life upswing. But this trend doesn’t hold in low-income, nonindustrialized societies. An #anthropology professor explains:
Mary Douglas Leakey was born #OTD in 1913.
She discovered the 1st fossilised Proconsul skull, an extinct ape which is now believed to be ancestral to humans. She discovered the robust Zinjanthropus skull at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. She developed a system for classifying the stone tools found at Olduvai. She discovered the Laetoli footprints, and at the Laetoli site she discovered hominin fossils that were more than 3.75 million years old.