“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
~ Barack Obama
#quote #barackobama #Barack_Obama #change #quoteoftheday #bethechange
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
~ Barack Obama
#quote #barackobama #Barack_Obama #change #quoteoftheday #bethechange
Congratulations to the 16 Montanans, now ages 7-23. #ClimateHope #FridaysForFuture #YouthClimateAction
“The state was violating residents’ constitutional right to a clean environment by permitting oil, gas and coal projects without regard for global warming.”
"Only a few other states, including Hawaii, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New York, have similar environmental protections enshrined in their constitutions.”
#Montana #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis #Youth #BeTheChange
"Winter Solstice is always a time of new birth & new beginnings. In the darkest time of year, a new light is born. Our work is to nurture it throughout the next year. But now more than ever, we’re all called on to make sure that light burns brightly within each of us. For we are the light of the world. We are the ones who will hold the darkness of humanity’s worst selves at bay."
#WinterSolstice #Holiday #Art #Crafts #Music #ReLocalization #Sustainability #BeTheChange
Our gratitude to Washington state resident Sandra Laney 💚 for her generous donation today in support of the Bicycling Monterey site and projects. She knows that supporting bike advocacy is one way to reduce carbon emissions and help protect this 🌎 🌍 🌏 planet for her grandies and future generations! To join her in helping to keep this grassroots volunteer effort rolling in 2025, and for FAQs, go to: https://bikemonterey.org/about/financial-donations
#BikeTooter #ClimateHope #ClimateCrisis #BeTheChange #biking #bicycling #cycling #ActiveTransport
I know I'm not the first to ask this, but would love to learn more about lesser-known grass roots causes making social impact in the U.S., especially those that have interesting projects in the works over the next 4 years. We can't much control what happens in DC but there are still plenty of ways to be impactful. #BeTheChange
From Birds Canada's social media:
The native grasslands on which grassland birds depend are the most endangered habitat in the country. Without substantial conservation action, many of these species are at risk of disappearing.
Learn more: https://stateofcanadasbirds.org/
Art: Shaylena Stenback
#stateofcanadasbirds #birds #prairies #agriculture #grasslands #environment #bethechange
“Last year’s record highs were the hottest the planet has been in about 120,000 years. Now the first six months of 2024 have broken even those. Scientists blame the supercharged heat mostly on #climatechange from the burning of #coal, #oil and #naturalgas and on #livestock #agriculture.” (From https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/last-sunday-was-earths-hottest-day-in-recorded-history)
And the #Paris #Olympics could be a super-spreader for Dengue fever thanks to our rising temperatures. (From https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0021b06)
But let’s keep ploughing ahead living the lives that have got us in this mess, which is only going to get worse and worse. 👍
Keep flying. 👍 Keep going on cruises. 👍 Keep eating meat and dairy. 👍 Buy even more stuff. 👍 Nothing to see here. 🤦♂️
@breadandcircuses - More like #deathandclowns
Well worth a read
https://view.global.easyfairs.com/?qs=e5c8577a8108226f7e2c9da49cf5e82463154dd71cc19cd8d244d193ed6b1dbabc81951ea264766db42be44daa74d4f7e7c7fe25b6c5048513d215550d2fb97da41b36220d6a88db517d85083b76c457#futurebuild #windfarms #bethechange #government #pollution
#HealAll - #PrunellaVulgaris
#WhiteClover - #TrifoliumRepens
Both are #edible & #medicinal #plants. Both are much better than lawn grass. They attract a lot of #pollinators🐝 👍🐝
Heal all is used in a lot of #ChineseTraditionalMedicine & #Chinese #HerbalTeas. Wong Lo Kat is a commercial canned herbal tea with heal all as a main ingredient.
In North America, the #Nlakapamuk #Salishan #Indigenous peoples make cold infused, refreshing drinks with them. Several other #FirstNations in #BritishColumbia & #PacificNorthwest areas also harvested it for medicinal uses.
#Saanich #GrowPlantsNotLawns #Nature #GardeningForClimateChange #VancouverIsland #PNW #YYJ #AntiLawns #VictoriaBC #Backyard #rewilding #NoMow #PacificNorthwest #PNW #BritishColumbia #GardeningMastodon #DisabledGardeners #NatureLovers #BackyardClimateAction #BeTheChange #HerbalMedicine #Holistic #PlantIdentification #FlowersIdentification #SoilFixers #NitrogenBuilders #SoilRemediation #EdiblePlants
What is the Mountain Mindset? For me its the idea of recognizing as we charge into this future online, we can still develop our own culture. As I have traveled, my observations between city culture & mountain culture was fairly consistent around the world. Mountain culture required living more in tune with nature, more aware of the seasons & surroundings. Community more shaped around connection and sharing. Looking in practice like how the Hawaiian’s live Pono, a lifestyle inspired by values to do the right thing; living in harmony with the land & people. In this present moment of globalization, we can collect ideas that will be needed for the future. Culture will outlive us. We can individually, in our own unique way, create this concept of culture here on Mastodon. Thank you for being here!
#culture #Mastodon #fediverse #bethechange #mountainculture #mountains #mindset #hope #future #letsworktogether #community #pono