✨ Salut tout le monde !
Merci pour votre engouement suite à mon pouet d'hier ! 😘
✨ Aujourd'hui je vous présente une #illustration de #gorgebleue en plein nourrissage, au nid ! J'ai fait cette illustration pour un projet sur la #reservenaturelle de Séné. Il s'agit d'un projet #FALC : Facile à Lire et à Comprendre.
✨ Vous pouvez retrouver mes #dessins par ici :
#bird #birds #birdphotography #birdwatching #ornithology #ornithologie #birdlovers #nature #MastoArt #ecologie #biodiversite #wildlife #wildlifephotography #WildlifeConservation #wildlifeprotection #EspècesMenacées #pnr #parcnaturel #ParcsNationaux #espacesnaturels
#birds #saturday #sneaky #birding #birdwatching #shoreline #water #optoutside #goexplore #nature #birdlovers #spy
#your_best_birds #nature #naturephotography #photography #photographer #photo #photograph #photographylover #photoshot #animals #animalphotography #wildlife #birdphotography #bird #birds #birdlovers #vogel #vögel #vogelfotografie #birdies #morebirdpics
Spatula discors. A nice duck in the morning.
#birds #birdphotography #birdwatching #duckseason #birdsofmastodon #birding #birdlovers
Greater Roadrunner Winter Profile by Debra Martz
One reason birds fluff up their feathers is to stay warm in the winter. This traps air between their body and feathers acting as insulation. The more trapped air, the warmer the bird.
AKA Chaparral bird
#Roadrunner #Chaparral #Winter #bird #plumage #feathers #featheredFriends #BirdLovers #aves #avian #ornithology #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt
American White Pelican Wings Lifted High by Debra Martz
Captured last week in Oklahoma's Great Salt Plains State Park.
#white #pelican #wings #angelWings #water #bird #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt
White Pelican Relaxing In The Morning Light by Debra Martz
Captured this image at the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River in Oklahoma
#Pelican #white #bird #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #birdsOfMastodon
Same Thing For Breakfast Again by Debra Martz
This hawk looks displeased with its meal.
#Hawk #birdOfPrey #raptor #bird #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt
Early Morning Robin by Debra Martz
Captured at Oklahoma's Great Salt Plains State Park near the towns of Jet and Cherokee. As you exit the parking area, there's a campsite on the right. I always pause there if it's unoccupied because numerous songbirds often gather in that spot...like this American Robin.
#AmericanRobin #robin #songbird #bird #birdwatching #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt #BirdsOfMastodon
Fun Facts about Backyard Birds:
+ Easy Trivia about North American Birds https://a.co/d/gICwmx9 #Birds #FunFacts #BackyardBirds #USA #UK #Birdwatching #Birding #BirdLovers
"Common Merganser On the Move" by Debra Martz
Captured at Oklahoma's Great Salt Plains State Park at the South Spillway middle tier.
#CommonMerganser #merganser #duck #waterfowl #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #photography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #BirdsOfMastodon
✨ Bonjour à tous !
J'espère que malgré ces actualités totalement folles, vous vous portez bien...
✨ Pour vous rebooster, voici une aquarelle de Martin pêcheur réalisée l'année dernière... Des tirages sont encore disponibles ici ⤵️ https://clairemotzart.etsy.com/listing/1702688053
#oiseaux #painting #birds #bird #birdwatching #birdlovers #protectnature #biodiversite #biodiversity #ecology #ornithology #ornithologie #MartinPecheur #aquarelle #EspècesMenacées #MastoArt #sciart #artiste #shopsmall #birdartist
Happy Monday!! 🌹🌹 Starting off the week with a bit of whimsy - The Rose-Crowned Parrot 🦜😊 Have a good one!! ❤😁 https://1-lisas-baker.pixels.com/featured/the-rose-crowned-parrot-lisa-s-baker.html
#parrot #parrots #bird #birds #birdsofmastodon #roses #flowers #floral #art #arte #artwork #wallart #homedecor #artforhome #artforsale #mastoart #fediart #fediverse #fedigiftshop #giftideas #birdlovers #artforsale #buyintoart #creativetoots #wallartforsale #beautiful #monday #whimsy
"One Very Focused Hawk" by Debra Martz
Seen in northern Oklahoma along the side of a highway. Stopped and watched for a short time and it never moved so it might have had its eye on some prey. Thankful for the photo opportunity and we rolled on down the road leaving it to do its "work"
#RedTailed #Hawk #birdofprey #raptor #bird #perched #staring #intense #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt
"Northern Pintail Drifting On The Marsh" by Debra Martz
At Intermediate Marsh in Oklahoma's Salt Plains NWR.
#pintail #duck #waterfowl #marshland #Oklahoma #bird #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #BirdsOfMastodon
Away She Flew In A Splash by Debra Martz
Seen at Intermediate Marsh along the gravel drive through Oklahoma's Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge.
#ducks #flying #takeoff #departing #waterfowl #birdy #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #birdsOfMastodon
Departing Flock of Sandhill Cranes by Debra Martz
Seen at #Oklahoma's #SaltPlainsNationalWildlifeRefuge
#sandhills #SandhillCranes #cranes #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #ornithology #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt
Sharing some fun with Quacktini Time. Have a good one!!
Available here: https://1-lisas-baker.pixels.com/featured/quacktini-time-lisa-s-baker.html
#duck #mallard #bird #birds #birdsofmastodon #martini #drink #cocktail #fun #art #arte #artwork #wallart #homedecor #artforhome #wallart #buyintoart #CreativeToots #mastoart #fediart #fediverse #fedigiftshop #giftideas #birdlovers #ducklovers #bar #tavern #lounge #happyhour #artforsale #artprints #humorous
Northern Flicker In The Treetop by Debra Martz
Seen along the Eagle Roost Trail in the Salt Plains NWR in OKLA.
#NorthernFlicker #flicker #woodpecker #bird #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt #BirdsOfMastodon
Nuthatch Moving Up The Tree Trunk by Debra Martz
White-breasted Nuthatch is a quick #bird moving up, down, and all around #tree #trunks
#Nuthatch #autumn #nature #Birds #Aves #Avian #BirdLovers #FeatheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt
Nuthatch Moving Down The Tree Trunk by Debra Martz
Seen on Casey Tower Trail in the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
#WhiteBreastedNuthatch #nuthatch #bird #Birds #Aves #Avian #BirdLovers #FeatheredFriends #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #BirdsOfMastodon
Follow The Leader On The River by Debra Martz
Image captured at the Great Salt Plains Lake/State Park in northern Oklahoma.
#WhitePelicans #pelicans #river #nature #Birds #Aves #Avian #BirdLovers #FeatheredFriends #ornithology #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #BirdsOfMastodon
The Glaring Stare Of A Hawk by Debra Martz
I didn't know this Red-tailed Hawk had prey in its talons until it turned, gave me a menacing stare, and took off deeper into the trees. When it flew, the fuzzy red tail of a squirrel was dangling from underneath. It wasn't my intention to disturb the hawk's breakfast.
#RedTailedHawk #Hawk #birdofprey #bird #Birds #Aves #Avian #BirdLovers #FeatheredFriends #ornithology #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #BirdOfMastodon
Cormorant Rising Above the Trees by Debra Martz
I saw this Double-crested Cormorant flying in from the lake beyond the spillway. Usually, they will land on one of the upper tiers of water but this one continued flying, rising above tree level, and downstream to the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River. Image captured at the Great Salt Plains State Park in northern Oklahoma
#Cormorant #InFlight #FlyingHigh #bird #Birds #Aves #BirdLovers #ornithology #photography #BuyIntoArt