Canadian Actress Detained by ICE and 'Wrapped in Chains' After Applying for Visa at U.S. Border
Jasmine Mooney, now a Los Angeles–based business owner, says she was shackled and detained in "inhumane" conditions after trying to reenter the U.S. for work on March 3
#VisaApplication #Detention #Border #Canadians
LOL...#American goods #Canadians will NOT miss due to #Trump playing #TariffTennis ... #Canada #Beer #uspol #uspolitics #Tariff
PM Trudeau did an exceptional job today, addressing #Canadians & #Americans on Donald's #TradeWar.
"Today the US launched a trade war against Canada, their closest partner & ally. At the same time, they're talking about working positively with Russia appeasing Putin, a lying murderous dictator. Make that make sense. Canadians are reasonable & we are polite, but we will not back down from a fight, not when our country & the well-being of everyone in it is at stake."
Dear #Canadians
Dear #Mexicans
The American economic aggression
will create difficulty
also in #Europe
If we face them together with the friendship and the principles that bind our #Nations
we will overcome them.
as to the #Americans
no worries
'They will grow their own chickens in the backyard'
@nathenmazri: After speaking with hundreds of #Toronto-Centre residents, many #Canadians, including those in #Ontario, are disillusioned with the #Liberals due to corruption #scandals, economic struggles, and perceived government overreach (e.g., pandemi…
President #Macron:
We all know the situation. The aggressor is #Russia. #Ukraine is a nation under attack.
I think we were all right to help #Ukraine and sanction #Russia three years ago and continue to do so. And when I say "we," I mean the United States of #America, the #Europeans, the #Canadians, the #Japanese, and many others. And we must thank all those who helped.
Fellow #Canadians, I need you guys to validate my recent emotions. I feel I have been very tolerant about the whole 51st state thing for a few weeks because I was able to tell myself "It's not Americans, it's Trump" but since the US crowds have started booing back, it's a reminder that it's not just Trump. It's all the people who voted him in too. And lets just say that my frustration has become almost unbearable anger. Like... I'm ready to fight a bitch.
Please tell me I'm not alone. #Canada
Fascinating idea by @doctorow about the trade wars inspired by #Trump
Meeting a #Tarrif with a Tarrif isn't going to help #Canadians however what Cory suggests here could:
More importantly, it might hurt the backers of the chaos coming out of the USA since Jan 20th.
/c @pluralistic
#Canadians: everything the fascists are doing in the States is exactly what they plan to do here. And quislings like Danielle Smith, John Rustad and Pierre Poilievre are their tools.
First with #Messico and now also with #Canada
The 'great leader' Shit His Pants and retreat .
Dear #Messicans dear #Canadians
#Trump's #America is NOT a reliable patner
Time to hold economic relationships >as soon as possible< with other States
and abandon America to his #fascists fate
(at least until it returns to be a decent Democracy)
Also > avoid < all is related to #Musk as you would avoid the plague !
#American will soon realize that
the #US need #Canada
much more than Canada needs the US
the fact that #Canadians do not underline it
is because they are not as arrogant as the #Americans.
The #Canadians would do better to move the #Army on the border
and prepare
#Trump is completely insane
I would not be surprised when things start to go very badly in America
and it will happen very soon
Trump does not come to the idea of doing what #Putin did with #Ukraine.
I know that just to think about it sounds 'eccessive'
But keep in mind that Trump is not mentally stable
and #Americans will do whatever He told them to do.
"Generations of #Canadians worked hard to unify and build a country that is distinct and independent from the #UnitedStates. It’s up to today’s generations to fashion a new national policy to create a prosperous and fairer Canada."
Alright #European, #Commonweath comrades, share up some of your most popular products & services that #Canadians can substitute for #American products.
"As we watch the reconfiguration of the #oligarchy ruling the #UnitedStates in real time, far too few #Canadians have realized a similar story is already playing out at home.
#Poilievre seems poised to seize power within the next year, and his embrace of an increasingly radicalized tech leadership should be ringing alarm bells."
#RecommendedReading for #Decolonial #Education. #Free #OpenAccess report.
About Murder by Decree
Murder by Decree is an #uncensored #record of the planned #extermination of #IndigenousChildren in #Canada’s murderous Indian #ResidentialSchools. It is issued as a corrective #CounterReport to the miscarriage of #justice by Church and State known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” #TRC. Based on eyewitness #testimonies and #archival #documentation deliberately suppressed or ignored by the TRC, Murder by Decree proves that the #genocide of #IndigenousPeople began as a religion-led campaign and continues to be a deliberate governmental policy in Canada. This Counter Report reveals these startling facts: – Over half of Indian residential school children began dying the very first year these church-run facilities were opened – This huge mortality rate continued unabated for over a half century because of deliberate practices of germ warfare according to a prescribed monthly “death quota” – Evidence of these crimes and their intentional nature has been continually destroyed by the RCMP and the #Catholic, #Anglican and #UnitedChurch since at least 1960 – The same genocide continues today, is aimed at indigenous women and children, and is driven by foreign corporate interests hungry for #NativeLands and resources Murder by Decree is issued by The International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canada (ITDC), an international #coalition of #jurists and #HumanRights groups. The ITDC was formed in December, 2015 to investigate the disappearance of people in Canada, prosecute those responsible and prevent a further #whitewash by Canada of its #CrimesAgainstHumanity. This report is an answer to these #crimes and an urgent summons to the world and to all #Canadians to live no longer under #genocidal #regimes.
Published by the #ITDC Central Offices in #Brussels and #Toronto. For more information write to .
#CDNpoli #IndigenousRights #ColonialViolence #CoverUp #KKKanada #FirstNations #NativeCanada #IndigenousCanada #Decolonization #DecolonizeYourMind #NativeRights #UNDRIP #Injustices #ColonialCrimes #TruthBeforeReconciliation
If you are progressive like me, then this analysis of why Trump is in power and the Democrats are not says it all, as far as I'm concerned (yes, there's misogyny, racism, and many other bad things, but this is the most fundamental).
For my fellow #canadians, including the Alberta NDP, there is a lesson here too. #ableg #yyc #yeg
Hey #Canadian #blind folks, as you may or may not know, @AiraVI is currently doing a pilot project in the states of California, Texas, and Florida where you can receive unlimited Aira service at any Walmart. I work at Aira, and I would love to see this pilot project also come to Canada, though regretably it probably won't come to my small province anytime soon. If you're interested, please vote in this poll and pass it on to any other #Canadians who are also blind who you think might be interested. In addition, if you could dm me your general location, city and province you live in, that would also help determine where the pilot project will start in Canada if there is enough interest.
Options: (choose one)
As the #Israeli military commits unfathomable horrors in #Gaza, many #Canadians are directly assisting the #genocidal force in probable violation of the #ForeignEnlistment Act.
#Lawyer Shane Martinez joined Talking #ForeignPolicy to discuss a #legal case he’s pursuing against #SarEl - which recruits Canadians to volunteer on Israeli military bases. Martinez also talks about the legal exceptionalism offered Canadian supporters of the Israeli #military.
#CDNpoli #ArrestWarCriminals #ImprisonWarCriminals #FreePalestine
#IsraelWarCrimes #ForeignAffairs
#USAFundsGenocide #CanadianZionists #BigotsInCanada #CanadaIsComplicit #GovernmentOfCanada #TerminateSarEl
Hey, #PierrePoilievre!!
Stop ßull$h¡††¡ng to #Canadians! You're accusing #JustinTrudeau of lying at the #ParliamentaryInquiry into #ForeignInterference. Let me remind you, as if you needed to be reminded, that he is under oath and will go to jail if he lies to #Parliament. You, however, are NOT currently under oath which, in your corrupt mind, entitles you to lie with impunity
#ConservativesAreTheProblem #PierrePoilievreIsARussianAsset #Canada #CANpoli #polCAN
There are 11 🇨🇦 MP's compromised by China according to the #NSICOP report.
Conservative leader Pierre #Poilievre is the only one who didn't get the security clearance needed to read NSICOP.
Before the next election #Canadians deserve to know names of MPs who are named in NSICOP.
"It is only natural for voters to question whether Poilievre’s refusal to obtain NSICOP clearance indicates the presence of information or circumstances he wishes to keep hidden"
My friends Dr. Julie Macfarlane & Canadian Senator Marilou McPhedran are advocating to get Bill S-261 into the House of Commons to #ban the abusive use of non-disclosure agreements (#NDAs) to silence victims of abuse, sexual misconduct, discrimination & other bad behaviour by an employer or co-worker.
They are presenting a petition to the House of Commons. It needs 500 signatures to be presented.
#Canadians please consider signing this petition ASAP: #CantBuyMySilence
A must read for #Canadians:
"What I realized soon thereafter was that this country was witnessing a systemic political failure, a complete inability of politicians to get change done in ways that manifested at the dinner table. An extreme form of PR and image-management had begun to take over delivering on policy in concrete ways."
🧵 #Canada #cdnpoli @gemelliz