Nouvelle campagne "Notre énergie" afin d'encourager les citoyens belges à devenir les propriétaires d'éoliennes en mer. En plus de s'engager dans la #transition énergétique, il s'agit d'une possibilité d'action réelle pour diminuer notre dépendance et le financement indirect des dictatures de ce monde qui bascule ! Amis belges, rejoignez-nous !
#renewables #greenenergy #cooperatives #windenergy #offshore #power #peace #democracy #belgium #MondayMotivation
KPREC founders joined our comrades in solidarity in creating A Better World. We salute The African People's Socialist party and am inspired by them in "creating our own ability to feed, clothe and house our people" through agrarian reform.
Good talk about reclaiming Indigenous Roots!
At KPREC we recognize and take action as one of the paths forward in creating transformational revolutionary change.
#LandBack #cooperatives #Housing4All
Hello world! #introduction time!
We are We're a federation and network of worker-led cooperatives and supporters, based in the #UK.
This account is a bit of an experiment (by @da5nsy, for now) but the plan is to post information about news and events, and boost cool things related to #WorkerCoops and the wider #cooperative movement.
East Bay is both the inspiration and the model for Kitsap PREC.
The creation of worker co-ops is a way toward A Better World.
If you know anyone looking for a rather unique bicycle mechanic job in the Atlanta area, one of my favorite places in the world, Sopo Bicycle Co-op, is hiring a part-time shop coordinator! We've been struggling to stay open consistently for a while, and we're hoping having someone there on set nights will let us sell more bikes, and recruit more volunteers!
Hi All.
I'm in the process of moving here from, where I've had a great time for the last 2 years, but I'm feeling more and more inhibited by a 500char limit so was looking for a similar instance with more possibilities in that area.
I like reading and talking about a great number of mostly leftist topics, including but not limited to #Commons #Cooperatives #DeGrowth #AntiCapitalism #OpenSource #ClimateAction #Environment #Ecology #Sustainability #Right2Repair #RepairCafe #PermaComputing #Gardening #Veganism
Finally doing my #Introduction !
I aim to do my part in slowing down the #Ecocrisis. Goal is to work close by the intesection of activism, science and politics. Former data scientist, now I do #EnvironmentalEconomics.
Bringing down oppressive structures sits close to my heart. Let us cherish compassion and community. #EnvironmentalMovement #CoOperatives #FOSS
I manage a forest estate, learning more sustainable forestry practices with my boots on.
Also! #Techno #Zen and #Weightlifting
Cooperative membership affects farms' productive performance little. #Cooperatives often provide access to improved #seeds or to harvesting & #irrigation technologies to members. #Training on how to combine production factors is less common but could benefit #farmers more:
Nous donnons 3000 € à @Mastodon ! 💰
Cela fait parti de notre programme de dons annuels pour soutenir le Libre et les communs numériques avec @copiepublique.
Depuis des années, Masto nous permet de communiquer avec la commu des libristes et des #coopératives : renforçons nos liens !
D’autres dons à venir... Retrouvez l’historique de nos dons et de ceux de nos alliées sur
#CopiePublique #RétributionCopiePublique
🦣 🦣 🦣
#CoOperatives & #Collectives picks of the day:
➡️ @institutcoop - Institute promoting research of #CoOps
➡️ @coopcloud - Helping co-ops & collectives create FOSS-based clouds
➡️ @autonomic - Worker-owned #CoOp, internet hosting & tech services
➡️ - Collective producing audio descriptions
➡️ @firestorm - Queer feminist collective running bookshop co-op in North Carolina USA
➡️ @HumbleGrove - Game dev storytelling co-op based in UK
🧵 1/3
Here is a map of #community #networks for #broadband access:
Sadly I don't have anything in my area (Spectrum is about to jack my prices up yet again), but maybe you do?
It's interesting to see where #cooperatives are clustered. Apart from tribal networks it's not clear to me what the reason would be. Local laws? Or an abusive big-co provider that made everybody there see the light?
I'm far too fascinated with far too many topics. I've compiled an exhaustive list of hashtags for some of those interests; I'll try to do better about keeping it current and updated.
#ADHD #AdoptDontShop #Antifa #AntiNarcissism #Apatheist #BasicIncome #Bioswales #Bisexual #BLM #BorderCollies #BPD #Cannabis #CatsofMastodon #ClimateChange #Comedy #Compersion #Cooperatives #DadJokes #DBT #Debian #Democracy #Democrat #DemocraticSocialism #Depression #DisposablePeople #DogsofMastodon #EatTheRich #ElderMillenial #Empathy #EndCorporateWelfare #Equality #ExcessiveHashtags #ExecutiveDisfunction #FBR #GallowsHumor #History #Humanist #HumanRights #IStandWithUkraine #JusticeMatters #LegalizeIt #LGBTQ+ #LiberalAF #Linux #LoveIsLove #MaskUp #MentalIllness #MutualAid #NonSequiturs #Persist #Polyamory #ProChoice #Progressive #ProudWoke #Puns #Resist #Solidarity #Spaceballs #TwitterMigration #UBI #UnionStrong #USA #USPol #Vaccinated #VoteBlue #VotingRights #WeirdoLib #Weltschmerz #WokeAF #Xennial
#FossilFuel industries are deviant private businesses.
They should be democratically accountable. The people have the right to know the business's aims (what are their plans?)
Imagine if a fossil fuel company & all its downstream #business subsidiaries were #cooperatives. Cooperatives' internal business operations must be public knowledge.
Not private, behind-closed-doors deals, in which the public only has access to the business's marketing claims & advertising. Not crony capitalism!
Hi Ten Forward! 🖖 New user here. Thought I'd give an #introduction:
I have loved Star Trek for as long as I can remember. I am a web developer who is very #anticapitalist and interested in #ecovillages, #communes, #solarpunk & #scifi, #workerowned #cooperatives, and the #solidarityeconomy just to name a few.
I am very grateful for Gene's vision of the future of humanity. He saw the potential and opportunity for us all, if only we could grow beyond our complacency, fear, and lack of imagination.
As everyone has been experiencing lately, we on planet Earth are at a turning point. We can either continue along with the status quo and passively watch fascism rise, the billionaires take everything, and watch them pollute the air and boil our oceans, or we can make real changes and put ourselves back on the path of a brighter future.
The billionaires we cede our sovereignty to are so few in number, and we are so many. We *can* change the world for the better, for all of us. We *must*.